


Seven Tips for Cases Involving Medication

TASA ID: 1461

Despite the lifesaving and symptom-relieving effects of medication, adverse effects can and do occur. When these adverse effects are severe and foreseeable, or result from negligence, the patient might be able to recover damages through litigation. However, these cases need careful consideration, planning, and expert help.  Here are seven tips for cases about medication.

The Hazards of Wisdom Tooth Extraction: From Patient to Plaintiff

TASA ID: 170

Ten million "impacted" wisdom teeth are extracted each year from 3.8 million people, 94 percent by oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Studies indicate that one-third of a percent (0.33%) to one percent of the patients (12,500 to 38,000) suffer permanent injury, mostly damage to the mandibular or lower jaw nerve, resulting in varying degrees of numbness (paresthesia) of the lip and chin, distortion of speech and smiling, cheek biting, difficulty chewing, and, in some cases, severe shooting neuralgic pain. 

Long-Term Sequelae of Salmonellosis

TASA ID: 733

As we eat in places other than our kitchen, poor sanitation and contamination of food sources become a significant problem.  Although the FDA has established a series of guidelines for food safety, CDC incidence reports of Salmonella are on the rise.  Some of the acute clinical symptoms related to these types of bacterial infection appear to be self-limiting, but the reality is that life-long problems persist.  Of interest to the lawyer and patient is to ensure that these significant risk factors are considered when the damages to the person are assessed.

Prevent Hospital-Acquired Infections During Construction Projects

TASA ID: 931

The issue of hospital acquired infections is a serious problem. According to several sources, three to four million hospital-acquired infections occur annually, with up to 80,000 fatalities. The costs of these infections are estimated to be between $4 billion and $5 billion per year (Air-Treatment Systems for Controlling Hospital-Acquired Infections, HPAC Engineering, April 2, 2008).

Vision and driving: Is it time for a change in the licensing standard?

TASA ID: 1843

With more and more automobiles on the road, despite the high price of gasoline, has the time come for ophthalmologists to take a second look at vision and driving? What ophthalmologist has not had to perform the unpleasant task of advising a patient and his family that the patient's vision doesn't meet the standard for maintaining a driver's license? Often, older adults consider cataract surgery in order to pass their driver's test.

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