


Contact Center Ergonomics

TASA ID: 10539

This article was originally published in the October 2010 issue of the Contact Center Pipeline  http://contactcenterpipeline.com/downloadorder.aspx?dir=Members&file=HW201010_CCErgonomics

Health and safety issues are key components of any contact center management strategy, as the impact of just one lost-time illness or injury case can affect the bottom line by hundreds of thousands of dollars—costs that can affect the profitability of a contact center.

What Plagiarism Is – and Is Not

TASA ID: 1475

A brief definition: plagiarism is knowingly appropriating another’s original words and/or ideas and presenting them as one’s own.

As a student, scholar, and professional writer, I have long been familiar with the standards governing academic honesty and plagiarism.  I applied these to many academic publications, including my master’s and doctoral theses.   I dealt with student plagiarism at various times in my professorial career (1967-1980), and later, as a speechwriter and corporate communicator, I applied these standards to ensure that the content of my work products, including professional articles, was either original or properly attributed.  

Information: The Next Natural Resource

TASA ID: 1335


I’ve spent my career looking at how large quantities of complex information affects every part of our lives and this is the most exciting time to be doing that.  Information affects finances.  Information affects your health.  It affects the life choices presented to you.  It cannot be overstated how important the accumulation of enormous sums of detailed data about all of us and every aspect of business is.

Ten years ago, who would have imagined that so much of the planet would be photographed, and those photographs made widely available, as in Google Earth? Or, who would have imagined that we would be so willing to share large amounts of personal information through public and quasi-public outlets like Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare?

How much data are we talking about?  The earth generated about four zettabytes of digital data in 2013. IDC forecasts that we will generate 40 zettabytes (ZB) by 2020.  Now, all that data isn’t used, but increasingly, more of it is. And it’s not just stored once.  Data with value is branched off into numerous databases across multiple companies.  In only the last few years, as much data has been generated as had previously ever existed. 

The Use of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Civil Litigation

TASA ID: 4724

Descriptions of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were first recorded in the sixth century B.C. Though the symptoms associated with the illness have remained generally the same, the name of the condition itself has changed many times. In World War I the disorder was labeled “shell shock,” linking the condition to the close lines between battling armies and the continuous firing of munitions. In World War II, the condition came to be called “combat neurosis.” The term “post-traumatic stress disorder” entered the psychiatric nomenclature with the 1980 publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd Edition


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