


Off-Road Vehicle Accidents


Off-road vehicle use and available products for the consumers to use off-road has increased dramatically over the past several decades.  With the increased use, the number of accidents resulting in serious injuries and death to the users have also increased in alarming numbers.  Many of these accidents are not caused by the users of these vehicles, but instead, are caused by the defects that are inherent in some of these off-road vehicles.  

The New Transportation Broker Law - Map 21

An Analysis for Attorneys

TASA ID: 2109

Source: LoadTraining.com - Broker Training Institute

Many motor carrier accidents involve a dispatch by a transportation broker. The broker’s usual position in the event of an accident is “to run away” from responsibility, thinking incorrectly, that they are not liable. However; If any of the broker’s actions in the act of transportation, are normally, actions reserved, in common practice, to a motor carrier, the Broker may be held to strict liability, in that transportation event. 


TASA ID: 1351

I.  Background Information

Benzene is a clear, colorless liquid at ambient temperatures.  Benzene has a relatively high vapor pressure and thus evaporates quickly into the air.  The odor threshold for benzene has been reported as 12 parts per million.  Benzene occurs naturally in crude oil and is widely used in industry as a raw material for the production of other organic chemicals.  Most gasolines sold in this country contain between one and two percent benzene (World Health Organization, 1993; ACGIH, 2001; Bruckner, et al., 2008).  Benzene is present in most outdoor and indoor environments.  Most benzene exposures to the general public are associated with the use of gasoline powered vehicles and other equipment.  Benzene is also found in some consumer products and is present in main stream and side stream tobacco smoke (Wallace, 1996).


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