


What I've Learned As An Expert Witness

Sexual Abuse in the Treatment Room

TASA ID: 4192

"There is no doubt that the vast majority of massage therapists and bodyworkers are honest, hardworking professionals who would never engage in sexual misconduct of any kind. Unfortunately, some individuals who enter our profession lack the integrity, psychological boundaries, or mental and emotional stability to practice ethically." 

Security is a Vital Consideration in the Emergency Management Landscape

TASA ID: 8635

Traditionally, the role of Emergency Management was defined as a planning and support mechanism dealing with risk and risk avoidance of a broad range of situations and events. Emergency management professionals were normally tasked for disaster planning, emergency communications, operating command centers, and securing funding for mitigation and recovery. Therefore, Emergency Managers have historically had closer relationships with the fire service than the security and law enforcement communities. However, it is undeniable that emergency management is integral to the security of an area or organization, and its integration with the security planning and response landscape is vital in addition to current roles in response to major disasters. 

3 Things That Make a Good Plastic Surgery Expert Witness

TASA ID: 11869

The role of a plastic surgery expert witness is not a simple one. There are several components required in order to perform this role well. With every word being scrutinized, there is a great amount of pressure resting on the shoulders of expert witnesses, not to mention the added pressure of being addressed - and accountable - in a court of law.

In this brief article, we will outline three things which make a good plastic surgery expert witness. When choosing your next expert witness, it might be prudent to ensure the plastic surgery expert witness you choose has these qualities:

Communications are Essential as a Force Multiplier in Fraud Investigations

TASA ID: 8635

While most news broadcasts lead with headlines of violent crime and terrorist acts; white collar crimes, like scams and frauds present a serious problem. According to the FBI, white collar crime costs the United States over $300 billion a year. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, who published the 2016 “Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse” paint a far graver picture; estimating that the typical organization loses 5% of its revenues each year to fraud. Based on the 2015 Commerce Department estimates; the U.S. gross domestic product of $17.9 trillion, American businesses lost about $895 billion to fraud in 2016.

3 Tips When Choosing Your Next Plastic Surgeon Expert Witness

TASA ID: 11869

Choosing a plastic surgeon expert witness is not as easy as it seems. On the surface, one might think that you simply have to find a plastic surgeon who is willing to serve as an expert witness. However, there is far more to it than meets the eye. Below we offer three tips which may come in handy when choosing your next expert witness plastic surgeon:

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