


Category: Insurance

Shedding Some Light on Insurance

TASA ID: 2099

I have served as an insurance expert on legal cases over the years and stood witness to an insurmountable amount of cases that center around the agent/broker standard of care as it relates to the type of insurance sold or not sold to a client and if it was the appropriate type of insurance or even adequate coverage. Unfortunately, a discovery of poor standard of care is revealed when it is too late.

Tips for Collecting Your Health Care Claim against Self-Insured Health Plan

TASA ID: 3307

Obtaining reimbursement on a health care claim is not easy today because of all the different laws and regulations and insurance plans.  I recently worked on several cases to recover claims involving a large self-insured health plan. All self-insured plans are governed by the federal ERISA law and have “trustees” to administer the Plan. Many health care providers, including surgeons, surgery centers, chiropractors, and physical therapists have had their legitimate claims denied over recent years because of alleged fraudulent claims, but legitimate claims are payable.

Preventing Oil Spills and Other Disasters by Risk Analysis of the Consequences and Probability of Failure: A Look at the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf Coast

TASA ID: 897

Oil spills happen when physical degradation of the facilities (pipes, pumps, wells, instrumentation, tanks and tankers) occur due to a variety of physical factors, including but not limited to corrosion, puncture, earth movement), as well as human errors.

Unseen Oil Continues to Damage the Environment. BP Corporate Recklessness in Stark Contrast to "Reasonable Person" Criteria

TASA ID: 897

Just because you can't see the crude oil from the BP Oil Spill of 2010, doesn't mean it is not continuing to damage the environment and kill marine organisms.  Crude oil can occur as free product when the local concentration of the crude oil exceeds solubility of the compound in water.

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