


Perils of Pain Meds

TASA ID: 13340

This article originally appeared in The Rheumatologist, 2008 - https://www.the-rheumatologist.org/article/perils-of-pain-meds/ and has been granted permission to be republished on The TASA Group website.

Over the last decade, an expansion in the use of opioids has been advocated by certain pain specialists as well as pharmaceutical companies. In my opinion, this has occurred in the absence of valid data that support the claims that opioids can effectively and safely be extended beyond cancer to most patients with chronic non-cancer pain with a low risk of addiction. Such claims have subsequently been found to be inaccurate, and the original
statement about the low rate of addiction to a common oxycodone sustained-release formulation has been shown to be false (as recently admitted by pharmaceutical company executives as a result of a Federal indictment).

Don't Touch the VIX! Oops.

TASA ID: 13992

This article was originally published on NavesinkInternational.com and in Albourne Village, village-us.albourne.com


It's a no-brainer; the financial industry has change a lot over the last decades. There are multiple causes. Among the structural factors, one can mention the rise of technology, the decimalization and electronification of exchanges, the introduction of ECNs for equity, the increases in volume and speed of those exchanges. There were also significant regulatory changes (MIFID, Basel, Dodd-Frank...). Derivatives trading has changed a lot too. But what happened to the VIX on February 5th, could be a wake-up call to the industry and generate another wave of deep changes.

Audio Evidence Forensics: Finding Signals In The Noise

The Value of Audio in Proving Your Case

TASA ID: 14235

Modern forensic and audio production tools can be very effective in repair and enhancement if it can be done. If a jury can hear recorded dialog so clearly to determine inflections of a voice, the breathing, the tone, then the emotion on tape makes for a far greater impact on the listener. Enhancement can be beneficial to bring out background noise revealing other evidence as well and this is not considered as an edit.

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