


Professional Malpractice or Failure to Perform:

When Communications Go Awry

TASA ID: 2156

In the communications field, there are numerous types of professions and service providers that are utilized to communicate for numerous purposes to various types of target audiences.  Such purposes could involve: disseminating information; creating or generating awareness; creating, building, developing or repairing an image, reputation or brand; generating ongoing visibility; promotion or marketing of a product or service; or communicating in crisis situations to disseminate vital information and/or correct negative impressions or incorrect information.  The most prominent type of service professionals that are contracted for these purposes are in the fields of public relations; advertising and marketing.  

Is Your Copyright Notice Enough?

How to know whether you need to do more to protect your content and your brand

TASA ID: 7210

* This article was originally published in Pages magazine, Winter 2018, published by Lane Press in South Burlington, Vermont. www.pagesthemagazine.com


You invest a lot in your content. As a publisher, it’s everything. You commit money, time, and talent to creating original content that’s valuable to your particular audience — and this resulting content effectively constitutes your brand. It’s who you are.

As such, you want your content to be available and accessible only through you (or through established relationships that preserve the stamp of your brand). To leverage your investment, you want readers to get your magazine to read your content. Go to your website to access it. Attend your events to see, hear, and experience it. You don’t want anyone copying and distributing your content in a way that separates it from your publishing brand.

This is what copyright is for.



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This article discusses issues of general interest and does not give any specific legal or business advice pertaining to any specific circumstances.  Before acting upon any of its information, you should obtain appropriate advice from a lawyer or other qualified professional.

This article may not be duplicated, altered, distributed, saved, incorporated into another document or website, or otherwise modified without the permission of TASA and the author (TASA ID#: 7210). Contact marketing@tasanet.com for any questions.

Manufacturer’s Representation:

A quick glimpse into mistakes and fortunes

TASA ID: 4718

Two years ago, I was contacted by a Memphis lawyer (not John Grisham) asking if I would help him with a case.  He represented a manufacturer’s representative who had tirelessly worked for two years to place a Canadian company’s product into Walmart only to be fired shortly thereafter.  Not surprisingly, he was never paid a commission.  It was one of several similar stories my profession encounters.  

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