


What Is Your Firm Going to Be Worth in 10 Years?

TASA ID: 4374

Perhaps the most rigorous way to calculate the value of a firm is by using discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis. When we use DCF analysis, we build a detailed forecast of the firm’s sales, costs and expenses, and long-term capital investments. We then use those forecasts to calculate the “free cash flow,” or the cash that will be available to the firm’s investors, over the life of the firm.
Category: Environment

Understanding the Impacts of Hydroelectric Power, Mining, and Other Land Use Activities that Alter Water Temperatures and the Resulting Thermal Effects on Coldwater Fishes Such as Salmon and Trout

TASA ID: 537

Changes in water temperatures can affect coldwater fishes, such as salmon and trout (salmonids) (Rich, 2007, 2000, 1987), either detrimentally or beneficially, depending upon other environmental factors.  Of all the life-stage requirements of temperature-intolerant fishes, such salmonids, water temperature is the most important, yet, commonly, the least understood. 

Case Study: Guild Residual Calculations - Studio vs. Independent Film Models

TASA ID: 3919

The Writers Guild of America (WGA), Screen Actors Guild (SAG), and the Director’s Guild of America (DGA) track the international box office, DVD, VOD, and television revenues of films around the world in order to assess the correct residual amounts for their members.  The challenge facing the producer; however, is that the Guilds utilize the same accounting methods to assess royalties with independently financed films as they do the studio financed films, and; therefore, the producer can be overcharged dramatically on an indie film.
Category: Engineering, Safety

Things the Robot Safety Engineer Will Learn in Legal Depositions Now That the ISO 10218 Document Is Adopted by ANSI (The Primacy of OSHA over ISO is settled in an Ohio Court)

TASA ID: 3199

America is different from all other industrial nations due to the unique American system of justice. Any company who attempts to manufacture products and systems in America must be mindful of this significant difference. To ignore the difference is imprudent and not advised. In the unique American civil justice system the use of the advocate system, trial by jury, the lack of a ‘loser pays’ process  and the presence of the Occupation Safety and Health Administration sets the US apart from the rest of the industrialized world. Bluntly put: America is truly different from the rest of the world in industrial safety and our track record of safety success speaks for itself.

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