


Event Data Recorders (EDR) and the importance of evaluating the data with the available physical evidence

This expert has retired from practice


This EDR data, as I tell jurors, is only as good as the paper it is printed on. The EDR data cannot tell how a collision took place of if the speed recorded by the EDR was the actual speed of the vehicle. Was the vehicle sliding on ice or was it rolling over? The collision reconstructionist must be critical of the EDR Data...

CAFE Rules, Lightweight Vehicles & Questions of Safety

TASA ID: 3190

Recently adopted fuel efficiency rules in the USA require that passenger vehicles must achieve an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by the year 2025. This “average” is further detailed into different goals for different sizes and class of vehicles and does not mean that all automobiles have to achieve the average 54.5 mpg. However, it still represents a big jump from today’s Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) numbers, especially because the phased march towards this goal must begin with the 2017 vehicles.

Marine Disaster: Thirteen People Died When Boat Sunk Due To Small Deficiencies

TASA ID: 674

After 7 minutes in the water, the "Miss Majestic" sunk in less than half a minute in 51 feet of water, resulting in 13 deaths.  The "duck" has one engine that drives both sets of wheels and the propeller shaft.  Two days before the accident, the driver noticed water in the bilges and took the "duck" to the shop.  After the accident, it was found that the rubber seal of one of the shafts was improperly installed, allowing it to leak water into the bilges, but the "duck" was not tested after it left the shop, prior to the accident.

What About Pricing for Legal Services? Insight from a Legal Marketing Expert

TASA ID: 2598

One of the hottest debates in the legal sector has been whether the billable- hour is dead, and what will replace it.  Will it be flat-fee pricing, value billing, or something yet unimagined?  It comes down to the fact that clients and lawyers want a fair deal. While the billable-hour has been the simplest form of pricing and offers many benefits to lawyers and their firms, the landscape has changed.  Clients and potential clients know more and expect more.  This is particularly true in the case of complex litigations and clients that demand accountability.  In a nutshell, they want value.

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