


Category: Record Fraud

Identifying Record Fraud

TASA ID: 383

A considerable portion of the work of auditors, inspectors, investigators and consultants may require the review of records.  Records provide the ability for individuals in those various disciplines to look at the basic functioning of a company.  Through records review, one can also look at historical activities without the necessity of being present or on-site at any particular moment in time.  The concerns with a specific activity are usually after the fact, and records provide the ability to look back.

Pros and Cons from a Mortgage Professional: Should You Make an “All Cash” Offer

TASA ID: 4349

Let’s say you’ve started looking for a home. At some point, your realtor may say, “If you really want the house, you should make an all cash offer!” What does that mean – you come to the closing with a giant stack of bills? You tap the trust fund and write a big check? No – it means you waive your mortgage contingency.

Survey Research to Support Litigation (third edition)

TASA ID: 2383

Survey research is used to provide greater levels of understanding in a wide variety of disputes. Issues such as consumer confusion, misleading advertising claims, disparagement, copyright infringement and trademark disputes can be better assessed as a result of developing and executing survey research. The purpose of this monograph is to aid attorneys in understanding what research standards and guidelines might be relied upon in their use of survey research.

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