Category: Articles, Computer/Internet, Intellectual Property, Resources for Attorneys How Digital Technology and Software have Impacted Intellectual Property in the Graphic Arts TASA ID: 7210 Intellectual Property awareness and protection used to be a non-issue in printing, publishing, and related areas. However, with the growth of software-driven technology, the Internet and WWW, Intellectual Property awareness and protection has come to “center stage” in graphic communication. Knowledge of copyrights and patents is now essential. These areas were not previously part of required knowledge. That has changed as the industry has changed, with software infringement cases representing one of the highest areas of dispute in copyright and patent litigations. Read more
Category: Articles, Computer/Internet, Medical & Healthcare, Resources for Attorneys, Working With Experts COVID-19 and the False Science of Computer Models: How to Demand Production of Necessary Materials and Understand the Difference between Science Fiction and Science Fact TASA ID: 2409 Science fiction is alive and well in American science. The perfect example of this is COVID-19 and the false science of computer models. Understanding the language of science and how it is used to deceive the general public, juries and judges is critical for every attorney. Every attorney must understand the language of science in order to show the judge and/or jury whether the science is fiction or fact. Read more
Category: Articles, Computer/Internet, Medical & Healthcare, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts COVID-19 and the False Science of Computer Models: How to Defeat Them in Court TASA ID: 2409 America and the world have devastated their economies based on the false science of computer models, which outputted millions of potential deaths from a respiratory virus known as COVID-19. In America alone, economic damages to small businesses and farmers are in the trillions of dollars. How did this come about? Read more
Category: Articles, Computer/Internet, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts, Safety FRAUD… I THOUGHT IT COULDN’T HAPPEN TO ME! TASA ID: 408 Recently, I became intrigued with an advertisement on television for a product / service which appeared new. It concerns a mobile telephone service which would cut my current service plan by about 50% … saving about $1,500 a year. The advertisement indicates that a subscriber could use their current cell phone, merely removing the sim card and inserting the new one from this new carrier. Although the new carrier does not have their own cell towers or cell facilities, it has contracted, according to the ad, to ‘bounce’ off two other very major cell carriers, depending upon the location of the call being made and the receiver of the call. Read more
Category: Articles, Business & Commerce, Communications, Computer/Internet, Employment, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts Defamation Defense: Is There a Third “Bite of the Apple” Available? TASA ID: 2156 In defamation cases, there are two basic “tried and true” defenses utilized in lawsuits, whether the charge is libel, slander or both. The first is “truth” because one of the elements that must be proven in a defamation lawsuit is the falsity of the statement. Therefore, if the statement is true, there is no basis for defamation. Read more