Category: Articles, Real Estate, Resources for Attorneys, Working With Experts Business Incubation Programs TASA ID: 15318 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe purpose of this report is: 1) to raise awareness of how business and technology incubation programs have succeeded across the country, and 2) to better understand how new incubators might be developed as thriving engines of regional and economic growth.Information presented in this report was taken from several sources: 1) phone interviews with directors of business incubators and industry consultants from across the United States, 2) Business Incubators' To continue reading, download the whitepaper below. Read more
Category: Articles, Real Estate, Resources for Attorneys, Working With Experts Key Trends in Green Development & Investment TASA ID: 15318 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYPurposeThe purpose of this paper is to focus attention on important trends that are occurring and will continue to influence:Increasing real estate development and investment in green, andGrowing market demand and value of sustainable projects.The points highlighted in this paper are culled from presentations and discussions with industry leaders in real estate, finance, architecture and construction, at the 2008 Urban Land Institute (ULI) conference on sustainability.“Green” topics are currently a focus of almost every industry and the media. At the same time, it is hoped that the trends presented in this paper will provide a unique perspective of further value, development and investment in sustainable and green projects, over the next 10 to 20 years.To continue reading, download the white paper below. Read more
Category: Articles, Financial/Economic, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts, Working With Experts The Role of the Financial Neutral TASA ID: 11602 Going through a divorce requires more than navigating the legal procedures. When dividing property and assets, there are lasting financial impacts that each party must consider before making decisions. Often, each member of the couple has only their own best interest in mind, but they have a lot more flexibility in making decisions by working together in collaborative divorce. Read more
Category: Articles, Medical & Healthcare, Psychology/Psychiatry, Resources for Attorneys, Working With Experts Benefits of Knowing Your Defendant's IQ TASA ID: Did you know that knowing the IQ score of the defendant you are representing can actually be of great benefit? When arguing that IQ is a significant cause of crime, researchers cite studies to indicate that criminal populations usually have an average IQ of approximately 92 which is eight points below the mean. The relationship between IQ and criminality is particularly distinct within a small portion of the population, primarily younger men, who are responsible for committing a disproportionate amount of crime while higher intelligence acts as protection against lapsing into criminal activity for people who are otherwise at risk. Read more
Category: Articles, Chemicals / Toxic Substances, Medical & Healthcare, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts, Safety, Toxicology, Working With Experts 11 YEARS LATER: THE WORSENING OPIOID EPIDEMIC TASA ID: 13340 Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP) is currently providing input to the U.S. Dept. of HHS to preserve the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline which is under some threat from the influence of the opioid pharmaceutical industry and some members of the pain community. This could also have positive implications for future legal cases for victims of opioid over-prescribing, especially in regard to the continued profit-driven malfeasance of these two sectors which have been largely responsible for the creation of the opioid epidemic. Will have more to say about this over the next few months. Read more