


3 Things That Make a Good Plastic Surgery Expert Witness

TASA ID: 11869

The role of a plastic surgery expert witness is not a simple one. There are several components required in order to perform this role well. With every word being scrutinized, there is a great amount of pressure resting on the shoulders of expert witnesses, not to mention the added pressure of being addressed - and accountable - in a court of law.

In this brief article, we will outline three things which make a good plastic surgery expert witness. When choosing your next expert witness, it might be prudent to ensure the plastic surgery expert witness you choose has these qualities:

3 Tips When Choosing Your Next Plastic Surgeon Expert Witness

TASA ID: 11869

Choosing a plastic surgeon expert witness is not as easy as it seems. On the surface, one might think that you simply have to find a plastic surgeon who is willing to serve as an expert witness. However, there is far more to it than meets the eye. Below we offer three tips which may come in handy when choosing your next expert witness plastic surgeon:


TASA ID: 4521

If I were charged with the task of hiring a fire investigator for my company or firm, I would start out looking for individuals that have aspired to better themselves through education and have attained certifications. But there is more to the process than just earning a piece of paper in 40 hours. I would need to evaluate each person’s experience. It seems it would be a better business decision to hire a company or individual with credentials AND experience to handle my potential subrogation case.

Law Ethnography

TASA ID: 921

As a practicing legal anthropologist for 40 years, I have always been curious about how lawyers think.  Are they really so different from the rest of us?  I enrolled in law school believing that becoming a 1L, a first year law student, would be the best way to learn about law and its practitioners.  I also suspected that it would be really cool to get a law degree.  The following work will disabuse both you and me of that idea.

The Independent Medical Examination: When is Enough, Enough?

TASA ID: 2379

I have been performing Independent Chiropractic Medical Examinations (IMEs) for more than 20 years. One of the most frequent questions I am asked is what criteria I use in determining whether an examinee should have more chiropractic treatment recommended or not, as a result of my examination.

Certainly, patients know how they feel about this: the need for more care is obvious, doc: I am still in pain! Pain is an important feature of my own clinical decision-making process.  But what else is there to consider when making a decision regarding future treatment?


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  • Note: This form is to be completed by legal and insurance professionals ONLY. If you are a party in a case that requires an expert witness, please have your attorney contact TASA at 800-523-2319.

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