


Healthcare Act

TASA ID: 2099

The Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act, more commonly referred to as the "healthcare bill," has taken over a year to construct and has been a lightning rod for political debate because it effectively reshapes major facets of the country's healthcare industry.

Who Makes the Best Physical Therapy Expert?

TASA ID: 1370

Out in the wild, the pecking order of the food chain determines the ultimate survivors. Those less fortunate creatures at the bottom of the food chain are preyed upon by the smarter, more resourceful animals. Naturally, the animals at the top of the food chain live and prosper. That theory is often regrettably exploited in the courtroom where inexperienced attorneys will position physicians at the top of the medical food chain to present them as experts in any type of medical malpractice case.

The Perils of Modern Liposuction Surgery

TASA ID: 3797

In 1987, Jeffrey Klein, MD, evolved the principles of the tumescent technique of anesthesia and tumescent liposuction. As an innovation for safe and effective liposuction, the concept of tumescent liposuction vaulted liposuction into the number one spot for cosmetic procedures performed in the United States, with cosmetic breast surgery its only competitor in popularity.

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