


Failure of Medicine for Centuries:

From Flawed Science to Money Science

TASA ID: 1793

A study published in 2000 concluded that at least 44,000 and perhaps as many as 98,000 lives were lost each year from preventable medical errors [1]. This startling number was disputed [2] and the debasing was revolved around preventability [3, 4]. A study published in 2003 reported a lower limit of 210,000 deaths per year associated with preventable harm in hospitals [5]. My studies have shown the actual deaths that could be attributed to medicine are about 30 million each year in the world because medicine has systematic errors in its foundation. 


TASA ID: 14071

Has your client’s workplace or medical provider stepped up to the plate and provided or employed safe, adequate and fully appropriate personal protective equipment or proper safeguards to meet the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19? Has your client contracted the virus due to lack of attention to these details?

Silver Lining

TASA ID: 15272

Quorom, a 24-hospital system, currently faces bankruptcy in the wake of COVID19. In Washington State, 13 rural hospitals have less than 45 days of cash on hand. While some hospitals will recapitalize their debt structure to avoid Chapter 11, far more will be closing their doors permanently in the months ahead. The most at-risk will be rural hospitals, which are already operating with razor-thin margins and depend on elective surgeries to make up for their high rates of uninsured patients. With most operating rooms handling only emergent cases, the rural hospital is losing its biggest source of revenue. Federal funds may offer some relief, but it is impossible to save the many hospitals that are at risk, especially considering that 30 hospitals already went bankrupt last year pre-COVID.  

COVID-19 and the False Science of Computer Models:

How to Demand Production of Necessary Materials and Understand the Difference between Science Fiction and Science Fact

TASA ID: 2409

Science fiction is alive and well in American science.  The perfect example of this is COVID-19 and the false science of computer models.  Understanding the language of science and how it is used to deceive the general public, juries and judges is critical for every attorney.  Every attorney must understand the language of science in order to show the judge and/or jury whether the science is fiction or fact.

What We Can Learn from the 1918 Pandemic

TASA ID: 1056

The social impact of the Spanish Flu and Covid-19 are eerily similar. There are many things we can learn from the 1918 Pandemic’s impact on society, the economy and employee behaviors. Similar to Covid-19, businesses and schools were forced to close, social distancing was the new norm, economies took a terrible blow and production was slowed. One of the most important lessons we have learned from the Spanish Flu is that we cannot ease our guard too quickly. In the summer of 1918, we thought we had conquered the pandemic; however, it lasted through the spring of 1919 because we underestimated its resistance.

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