


The Use of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Civil Litigation

TASA ID: 4724

Descriptions of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were first recorded in the sixth century B.C. Though the symptoms associated with the illness have remained generally the same, the name of the condition itself has changed many times. In World War I the disorder was labeled “shell shock,” linking the condition to the close lines between battling armies and the continuous firing of munitions. In World War II, the condition came to be called “combat neurosis.” The term “post-traumatic stress disorder” entered the psychiatric nomenclature with the 1980 publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd Edition

Parental Alienation in Child Custody Litigation


When marital discord evolves into hatred, many couples are quick to see divorce as their best option. Divorce may be an easy way out for the couple; but it often wreaks havoc on the children.  Family Court judges welcome mental health professionals to guide them in determining the future best interests of the children.  These “guides” are called Custody Evaluators.  When the Custody Evaluator correctly identifies Parental Alienation (PA), the evaluator can recommend a particular strategy that best serves the interests of the child.

How to Use Neuropsychological Measurements to Enhance Your Presentation

TASA ID: 8341

One of the most overlooked aspects of litigation is the power of measurements---numbers, math, statistics and “proof” of pain and agony in cases involving personal injury.  Some of the brain injured claimants may provide 20 subjective complaints and most contain memory difficulties, especially recent or immediate memory difficulties.  Remembering three items on a shopping list or pain intrusion can be part of the current complaints.  

Civil Litigation of Damages Caused by Use of Synthetic Marijuana

TASA ID: 501

Attorneys who represent families that have had a member die or been seriously harmed by synthetic marijuana, or have clients who have been harmed in vehicular accidents caused by this drug, or otherwise harmed by a user under the influence, should consider whether litigation is appropriate and viable to secure compensation for the victims.

Should Parents Worry: The Latest Scoop on Video Games and Their Impact on Children

TASA ID: 1385

When I started my practice almost thirty years ago, Sesame Street and the benign Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood captured our children’s attention. Disney movies proliferated the video market and they followed a similar fairy tale pattern in which a hero or heroine is pursued by a villain but triumphs in the end. Children learned which personality traits ultimately prevail: goodness, honesty, kindness, and beauty.

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