


Blockchain: Beware of the crypto-hype

December 2018


This article was originally published in ITNOW, Volume 60, Issue 4, Pages 22–23, 1 December 2018,  by © 2018 The British Computer Society.

Dr. Stephen Castell explains why IT professionals need to watch out for crypto-hype and be alert to the problems ahead.

There is currently a crypto-algorithmic blockchain technology mania. Huge amounts of money, commentary, thought, ink and new paper column inches are being lavished on blockchain based technologies such as cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and distributed ledgers.

It seems almost every millennial is involved with an initial coin offering (ICO) or initial token offering (ITO). A few of these may prove to be commercially successful. They may establish a new crypto-economic paradigm. I wish these crypto-enthusiast millennials well. Indeed, I have dubbed crypto the millennials’ rock’n’roll.

To read the complete article, click here

What Do Active Shooter Threats Mean for the Standard/Duty of Care?

TASA ID: 8635

After the tragic Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that claimed 11 lives, the faith-based community and other gathering places have found themselves left with an almost unfathomable, but inevitably relevant question: “what if a shooting happens here next?”

Digital Evidence Management

3 Considerations

TASA ID: 8635

With the world around us becoming increasingly digitized and video surveillance becoming more prevalent, legal professionals have become faced with a growing level of digital evidence culled from the security and law enforcement communities; in fact, some would suggest that effective investigations, loss control, liability reduction and safety enforcement now hinges on such evidence to remain effective.

Security Spotlight

Squeezing The Most From Your Security Dollar

TASA ID: 12689

This article was originally published in The Texas Investigator, www.tali.org

The Dilemma

In this new millennium forward-thinking security executives know that it’s virtually impossible to purchase security technologies on the cheap. This is especially true since terrorism hit our shores in early September 2001 – when virtually every American began buying security-related technologies by the bushel and the prices began to skyrocket.How does a security administrator proceed? One possible approach to solving this dilemma might lie in learning to think outside of the proverbial box and seek to implement less costly security strategies that can do the job effectively. In today’s budget-conscious atmosphere, stretching the security dollar is both an art and a science. The art lies in the company’s ability to solve protection related deficiencies using existing resources, whilst the science lies in architecting protection strategies that meet and/or exceed industry benchmarks. Obviously, if security enhancement dollars are readily available then all is well. But in most cases such dollars are scarce and the secret to achieving success in this endeavor may lie in finding low cost initiatives that can further strengthen and deepen protection availability without blowing up the budget.  


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