Category: Articles, Business & Commerce, Employment, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts, Safety, Security 6 Biggest Hidden Security Risks Threatening Your Business TASA ID: 321 Every business today, no matter its size or type, faces very real security risks. Risks that can cost you time, money and even legal problems. While most companies are aware of cybersecurity issues, there are other real threats, many of them hidden, that must be considered when planning your corporate security initiatives. These include not only the obvious ones like workplace violence, but physical security, health and other hidden hazards, and even work stoppage issues like political upheavals or localized violence. All are very real risks that should not be overlooked. Read more
Category: Security A Business Plan Must Include Security TASA ID: 915 Fraudulent business practices, shootings, workplace violence, acts of terrorism, embezzlement, fraud--with the list getting longer every time one picks up the newspaper. Continual attacks on businesses, large and small. Attacks launched from inside and out, motivated by greed, politics or revenge. Read more
Category: Financial/Economic, Security The Due Diligence Mess TASA ID: 2774 Indictments for Ponzi schemes and investor fraud have been increasing everyday. While pundits, Congress and financial experts pinpoint problems with regulatory agencies such as the SEC, the real problem centers on what I call the "Due Diligence Mess," the way in which this process is handled. Read more
Category: Employment, Security Security Guard Contracts TASA ID: 2483 Before September 11, 2001, "security" consisted of three parts: it was a business function, an industry, an academic discipline. The terrorist attacks on that date added a fourth: Homeland Security. Each segment is different, but the one generating the most interest from a legal viewpoint is security as a business function. This is where security's goal is to prevent losses to the greatest extent possible and minimize the cost of those that are inevitable. Read more
Category: Premises Liability, Product Liability, Safety, Security Recent Fires Turn Safe Deposit Vaults Into Ovens TASA ID: 1018 Over the past few months, the events that followed damaging fires at several financial institutions across the nation have significantly affected our safe deposit industry. These fires were caused by severe lightning strikes, electrical wiring problems and a carelessly discarded cigarette. After fires totaled all of these facilities, each one was confronted with some very difficult challenges and tough decisions. Read more