


Should Parents Worry: The Latest Scoop on Video Games and Their Impact on Children

TASA ID: 1385

When I started my practice almost thirty years ago, Sesame Street and the benign Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood captured our children’s attention. Disney movies proliferated the video market and they followed a similar fairy tale pattern in which a hero or heroine is pursued by a villain but triumphs in the end. Children learned which personality traits ultimately prevail: goodness, honesty, kindness, and beauty.

Creating a Culture of Invention

TASA ID: 1865

Today's executives are expected to exploit all assets of their organizations to the maximum extent. Whether corporation, university or non-profit institute; whether private or public, their leaders must compete by first protecting company assets and then deriving maximum value from them. "All assets" include the organization's intellectual property that can represent a significant, sometimes crucial, bank of assets.  Effective, aggressive management of intellectual property (IP) can result in licensing and implementation of important technologies that are a benefit to society, and in financial benefits for the owner organization.

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Differentiating between Orthotics and Prosthetics

TASA ID: 4488

Prosthetics (and the practice of Prosthetics) involves the treatment of the person suffering from limb loss. Prosthetic devices involve complicated designs, componentry and treatment criteria. Depending on the limb involved in amputation, the level of the limb loss (relative to the distance from the body) upper extremity; above the elbow, below the elbow or at the wrist. Lower limb; above the knee, at the knee, below the knee, at the ankle or part of the foot.

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