Category: Real Estate Mortgage Rate Correlations and Direction TASA ID: 3250 When mortgage rates dropped into the sub-7.0% territory in 2000, pundits gasped at this temporary anomaly. Ten years later, it is apparent that the residential lending rates have changed to a more stabilized lower rate. Read more
Category: Real Estate Duties in Disclosure of Defects in Single Family Residences in Texas TASA ID: 796 The State of Texas requires disclosure of known defects be made to potential purchasers of single family homes by both real estate agents and sellers. A real estate licensee's duty to disclose defects is found in the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1100, also known as the Real Estate License Act. Read more
Category: Financial/Economic, Real Estate Trading Prudence for Profit TASA ID: 2763 I have been reading and listening to a great many commentaries about the state of the economy, the mortgage industry, the reasons for the problems and the wide range of suggested solutions. Read more
Category: Financial/Economic, Real Estate Foreclosure Litigation, Missing & Misplaced Mortgage File Documents, & "Robo-Signers" TASA ID: 322 In order to set up any mortgage loan file, a number of tasks must be completed, and a lengthy checklist of items and documents has to be produced, executed by the borrower or someone else, many of them sent out to the courthouse for recordation, some of them sent to the borrower, some sent to other places such as a property insurance or title insurance company, and most of them maintained in the mortgage loan file for the life of the loan. This creates plenty of opportunities for errors. Read more
Category: Financial/Economic, Real Estate Mortgage Loans - A Free Ticket to Litigation TASA ID: 2089 Litigation regarding mortgage loans (like all of Gaul) can be divided into three parts: 1) Origination, 2) Loan Servicing, and 3) Collection. Of course, none of these areas becomes the subject of dispute until the mortgage loan cannot be paid in regular order. Read more