Category: Maritime / Boating Accidents Deficiencies Found in Many Marine Stairways and Ladders Resulting in Accidents TASA ID: 674 After inspecting more than 100 marine stairways in which accidents occurred, we found several deficiencies in the steps and handrails of stairs that are consistently repeated. The following comments are extractions from reports of inspections of stairs from large passenger vessels to small tugboats. Read more
Category: Maritime / Boating Accidents Marine Disaster: Thirteen People Died When Boat Sunk Due To Small Deficiencies TASA ID: 674 After 7 minutes in the water, the "Miss Majestic" sunk in less than half a minute in 51 feet of water, resulting in 13 deaths. The "duck" has one engine that drives both sets of wheels and the propeller shaft. Two days before the accident, the driver noticed water in the bilges and took the "duck" to the shop. After the accident, it was found that the rubber seal of one of the shafts was improperly installed, allowing it to leak water into the bilges, but the "duck" was not tested after it left the shop, prior to the accident. Read more