Category: Articles, Business & Commerce, Ethics, Financial/Economic, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts Seasoned Investor Conned by Phony Investment If It Can Happen to Him... TASA ID: 2346 A few years ago I met an investor who explained to me that he had a business dispute lawsuit he was preparing to file. He planned to engage my services to support the litigation. Read more
Category: Articles, Education, Ethics, Linguistics, Resources for Attorneys What Plagiarism Is – and Is Not TASA ID: 1475 A brief definition: plagiarism is knowingly appropriating another’s original words and/or ideas and presenting them as one’s own.As a student, scholar, and professional writer, I have long been familiar with the standards governing academic honesty and plagiarism. I applied these to many academic publications, including my master’s and doctoral theses. I dealt with student plagiarism at various times in my professorial career (1967-1980), and later, as a speechwriter and corporate communicator, I applied these standards to ensure that the content of my work products, including professional articles, was either original or properly attributed. Read more
Category: Articles, Ethics ETHICS and CONSERVATISM TASA ID: 48 Conservatism is not a political issue—it’s more basic than that. The foundations for conservatism are history and original intent—a return to the essentials, ethics being the most basic. Anyone can do it. Read more