Litigating a Failure to Warn Claim in Product Liability/Personal Injury Cases
TASA ID: 3592
On April 16, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. (ET), The TASA Group, in conjunction with product safety expert Gerald Goldhaber, will present a free, one-hour interactive webinar presentation, Litigating a Failure to Warn Claim in Product Liability/Personal Injury Cases, for all legal professionals. During this presentation, Gerald Goldhaber will discuss:
- Legal vs. practical definition of a warning
- When a warning is needed
- Legal requirements of a warning
- Process of creating/evaluating a warning
- Samples of effective warnings and wacky warnings
- Different perspectives on litigating a failure to warn claim
Disclaimer: Please remember that if you are applying for CLE credit you must attend for the full 60 minutes of the LIVE presentation, not the ONDemand version. If a participant is seeking credit in states we are not approved to issue credit and the participating party seeking credit incurs a fee to receive said credit, it is not the obligation of TASA to remit payment for such credit. It is the participant's obligation to remit payment to the state in which they would like to receive credit.
About the Expert:
Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber has been the nation’s leading safety warnings and communications expert for over 42 years. Dr. Goldhaber has been the subject of dozens of interviews by leading networks, newspapers and magazines and has designed warnings for dozens of consumer and industrial products. He is also the instructor of the official digital course of warnings and safety communications for the National Association of Continuing Legal Education (NACLE). Dr. Goldhaber has testified and consulted for lawyers representing corporations or injured parties in over 1,000 lawsuits since 1978 and is currently CNN’s chief analyst for issues dealing with warnings or safety communications. He’s written 11 books, including this month’s best seller, “Murder, Inc.: How Unregulated Industry Kills or Injures Thousands of Americans Every Year...And What You Can Do About It.” You can find Gerry on his Youtube channel, “Gerry Goldhaber the Warnings Doctor” and his podcast, “Warnings Dr.”
Tasa ID | 3592 |
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