Categories: Webinars, Employment, Ethics, Human Resources, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts The Business Case for LGBTQIA Inclusion in the Workplace: Navigating Policies, Procedures and Practices TASA ID: 10391 Program Description:On January 30, 2018, at 2:00 p.m. (ET), The TASA Group, in conjunction with education and workplace harassment expert Dr. Susan Strauss, presented a free, one and a half hour interactive webinar presentation, The Business Case for LGBTQIA Inclusion in the Workplace: Navigating Policies, Procedures and Practices, for all legal professionals. During this presentation, Susan discussed:The Implicit Association TestRecruitment and retentionHeterosexism assumptionsInternational LGBT considerationsMarketing and advertisingRestroom access for transgender employeesResponding to negative reactions to LGBTQI inclusionWorkplace dress codes, transgender employees, and gender non-conforming employees The Business Case for LGBTQIA in the Workplace: Navigating Policies, Procedures and Practices from The TASA Group, Inc. on Vimeo.About The Presenter:Susan Strauss RN Ed.D. is a national and international speaker, trainer and consultant. Her specialty areas include education and workplace harassment, discrimination and bullying; organization development, and management/leadership development. Susan conducts bullying and harassment investigations, works as an expert witness for education and workplace harassment and bullying lawsuits, and coaches those managers and employees that need assistance in stopping their harassing or bullying behavior. Previous Article Advanced Online Reputation Management (ORM) for Attorneys and Clients Next Article Antimicrobial Interventions in the Food Industry Print Tasa ID10391EducationExperience/ExpertiseWork HistoryCertifications, Licenses, Association/Professional Organizations MembershipsSample ProjectsProfileShortBiographyProfileWH1StartDateProfileWH1StartDateProfileSampleProjectsProfileCL1LicenseProfileCL1License Documents to download REVIEW Susan Strauss - LGBT workplace without animation(.pdf, 10.89 MB) - 75 download(s)