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Copyright: Protecting Your Content and Brand


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When forming an original idea, it is disheartening to find out that your idea wasn't as original as you thought. When an idea has developed, it is possible to protect your content and brand with a copyright to avoid copycats. This type of protection is important because your central idea, content, or brand is essential to the overall success of your business. This idea is the same for big businesses, as well as small businesses such as entrepreneurial ventures.

This article, Is Your Copyright Notice Enough? How to know whether you need to do more to protect your content and your brand, defines copyright protection and evaluates what the best plan of action is to garner protection for your ideas.

An excerpt from the article reads as follows:

"You invest a lot in your content. As a publisher, it's everything. You commit money, time, and talent to creating original content that's valuable to your particular audience - and this resulting content effectively constitutes your brand. It's who you are."

Your content and ideas are at the root of your burgeoning business. Without exclusive rights to your own content, anybody can simply copy and regurgitate your business. Read more of this article to learn about copyrights and the valuable protection that copyright and others can offer.

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