Expert Interview: Dale Yeager

Our expert interviews provide an inside look at some of our valued experts. We have experts from a wide range of specialties that can help in various types of cases.
TASA expert and forensic profiler Dale Yeager answered the following question: "How did you decide to become an expert witness?" Please read his response below:
I became an expert witness more than 10 years ago when one of the law firms we provide services for asked me to be an expert on a case. I worked on that case as they trained me to be an expert. The experience allowed me to see the value of my knowledge and experience in tangible ways. I quickly grew this area of my professional life and eventually assembled a team of experts which have now worked on over 400 cases in the U.S. and Canada.
Early on, we were determined to work for plaintiff and defense depending on the case. That decision to us was an ethical one as we believe to this day that our professional credibility is important. There is a joy in bringing justice to people and institutions.
Dale has presented numerous webinars for TASA. Please view his recent webinar, Sandy Hook - Liability and Special Education here to learn more about this topic and Dale's expertise.