

A Small Sample of the Many Medical Experts TASA Refers

TASA ID: 726 (Infectious Disease): Retired Senior Research Fellow from a National Laboratory as an Advisory Research Fellow. Research and teaching in the field of Legionella microbiology since 1977. Published over 30 peered reviewed articles on Legionella alone along with over 100 other scientific articles.Served as expert witness for 42 Legionella cases both for the plaintiff and defense attorneys.

TASA ID: 990 (Infectious Disease): Associate Professor, Consultant and member of the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s Bioemergency Workgroup and Education Committee. Sheriff's Department's Homeland Security Advisory Council, Pacific Council, FDA Advisory Committee. Founder of thee Center of Medical Multimedia Education & Technology; Teaches terrorism class.

TASA ID: 2442 (Medical): Board certified in internal medicine, I currently serve as a Clinical Assistant Professor at a school of Medicine. I have maintained an active clinical sub-specialty practice devoted entirely to Infectious Diseases. Areas of expertise include: Osteomyelitis, pneumonia/empyema/pulmonary infections, cellulitis/skin and soft tissue infections, sepsis, urinary tract infections/pyelonephritis, intra-abdominal infections, and many others caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other infectious agents.

TASA ID: 3021 (Medical): General Internist with experience in primary care issues such as preventive measures, cancer screening and diagnosis, immunizations, threshold for referral to specialist, management of diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, asthma, gastrointestinal disorders .Previously on staff at Georgetown Hospital, now private practice. Currently appointments include Visiting Assistant Prof. of Medicine at a major University .Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Board Certified.

TASA ID: 2102 (Medical Malpractice): Thirty-five years of healthcare executive experience at the CEO level. Numerous publications including textbooks and journal articles. National and international presentations on healthcare management and information systems. Over eighty medmal cases reviewed with 30 plus depositions given. Available for healthcare consultations concerning Revenue Cycle Management and Operations of Hospital Systems

TASA ID: 1259 (Medical Malpractice): Licensed Registered Nurse with Ph.D. in Nursing, On Nursing Faculty of Associate Degree Program. Board Certified: Clinical Nurse Specialist, Medical-Surgical Nursing (APRN, BC) and Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse (CWOCN-AP). Enterostomal Therapy (ET) Nursing. Lecture locally/nationally on topics related to wound, ostomy, and continence care in nursing, legal issues and patient safety since 1980. Received Nursing Excellence Award in Mentoring and an award for writing.

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Locating the Best Medical Expert Witnesses

TASA delivers the precision and speed you need when you are searching for the right medical expert witness for your case. Our experienced, regional referral advisors will discuss specific medical specialist credentials with you, as well as the location, experience, and time frame you need. Most referrals are made within 24 business hours. We provide background and fee information, forward expert resumes at your request, help arrange your initial phone interviews with medical authorities, and follow up to see if you require other experts. There is no charge unless you designate or engage an expert witness we refer. Since 1956, The TASA Group has connected legal, insurance, law enforcement, and business clients with superior expert witnesses and consultants. Contact us today for credible medical expert witnesses, by phone, email, or online request form.

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  • Note: This form is to be completed by legal and insurance professionals ONLY. If you are a party in a case that requires an expert witness, please have your attorney contact TASA at 800-523-2319.
