


Information: The Next Natural Resource

TASA ID: 1335


I’ve spent my career looking at how large quantities of complex information affects every part of our lives and this is the most exciting time to be doing that.  Information affects finances.  Information affects your health.  It affects the life choices presented to you.  It cannot be overstated how important the accumulation of enormous sums of detailed data about all of us and every aspect of business is.

Ten years ago, who would have imagined that so much of the planet would be photographed, and those photographs made widely available, as in Google Earth? Or, who would have imagined that we would be so willing to share large amounts of personal information through public and quasi-public outlets like Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare?

How much data are we talking about?  The earth generated about four zettabytes of digital data in 2013. IDC forecasts that we will generate 40 zettabytes (ZB) by 2020.  Now, all that data isn’t used, but increasingly, more of it is. And it’s not just stored once.  Data with value is branched off into numerous databases across multiple companies.  In only the last few years, as much data has been generated as had previously ever existed. 

Category: e-Discovery

The Secrets of E-Discovery Vendor Pricing

TASA ID: 4285

. . . we must address the inconsistencies in pricing across the industry and share ways to avoid the few disreputable bad apples that have contributed to the misgivings placed on vendors. I hope that lifting the veil on pricing dynamics will help to increase the transparency between service providers and the legal professionals we serve.

Eat Your Vegetables, Use e-Discovery Tools … And Other Lessons from Mom

TASA ID: 4285

On this recent Mother’s Day, I couldn’t help but reflect on lessons learned from my mother while she masterfully raised three sons and a daughter. She taught each of us the importance of knowledge and education, respect for others and a duty to serve those in need. While some lessons came in profound ways, many were made through what seemed like daily routine and minutia. Eat your vegetables. Go out and play. Don’t hit your brother. What I didn’t realize until many years later is that these same lessons that helped me successfully navigate schools and personal relationships growing up, could also be applied to our professional lives.

Helpful e-Discovery Tips

TASA ID: 4285

Throughout the years I have been asked my advice on what to do and what not to do when it comes to e-Discovery matters. It was only recently on social media that I decided to post some of the advice that I had given out to many. By no means is this an extensive list; however, these tips will help with general inquiries you may have, especially when it comes to cases.

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