


Don't Touch the VIX! Oops.

TASA ID: 13992

This article was originally published on NavesinkInternational.com and in Albourne Village, village-us.albourne.com


It's a no-brainer; the financial industry has change a lot over the last decades. There are multiple causes. Among the structural factors, one can mention the rise of technology, the decimalization and electronification of exchanges, the introduction of ECNs for equity, the increases in volume and speed of those exchanges. There were also significant regulatory changes (MIFID, Basel, Dodd-Frank...). Derivatives trading has changed a lot too. But what happened to the VIX on February 5th, could be a wake-up call to the industry and generate another wave of deep changes.

“Joint Employer” Ruling Continues to Cause Disturbing Legal Consequences for Franchisors

TASA ID: 11532

This article appears as an update to previous editorials expressing my viewpoints relative to escalating franchise litigation globally. Three years ago, the National Labor Relations Board overturned a long-standing rule: An employer of its own workers could not also be viewed as the “joint employer” of the workers of companies it relied upon to supply it or to perform other functions it would otherwise need to do itself.  

It’s Not Personal, It’s Only Business…Identity Theft

TASA ID: 2346

(For purposes of privacy, the names have been changed)

For three years a fraud was perpetrated upon A2G Company Inc. of Los Angeles. The company's real name is being withheld because the fraud almost destroyed it.  The crime was finally discovered when a tax department levied the corporate bank account for three years in back payroll taxes.


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