


What Plagiarism Is – and Is Not

TASA ID: 1475

A brief definition: plagiarism is knowingly appropriating another’s original words and/or ideas and presenting them as one’s own.

As a student, scholar, and professional writer, I have long been familiar with the standards governing academic honesty and plagiarism.  I applied these to many academic publications, including my master’s and doctoral theses.   I dealt with student plagiarism at various times in my professorial career (1967-1980), and later, as a speechwriter and corporate communicator, I applied these standards to ensure that the content of my work products, including professional articles, was either original or properly attributed.  

Law Ethnography

TASA ID: 921

As a practicing legal anthropologist for 40 years, I have always been curious about how lawyers think.  Are they really so different from the rest of us?  I enrolled in law school believing that becoming a 1L, a first year law student, would be the best way to learn about law and its practitioners.  I also suspected that it would be really cool to get a law degree.  The following work will disabuse both you and me of that idea.

Once Upon A Time: Anecdote of an Educational Expert

TASA ID: 408

Let me tell you a story about the first case on which I worked…a long time ago and even before I became familiar with TASA.  The story will, perhaps, be useful to client attorneys and experts alike.

Many years ago, while operating the company which I founded (sort of a head hunter for educators) I had served as president of the National Association of Teachers Agencies (now defunct).  Shortly after my tenure in that position, I received a phone call from an attorney in Kansas City, MO.  I’m in New York.


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