Category: Articles, Automotive/Trucking, Business & Commerce, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts, Transportation MAP 21: The New Transportation Law Providing Penalties for Illegal Brokering TASA ID: 2109 Here, it comes to pass that MAP 21 requires the complete and utter legal separation of the businesses trucking from brokering according to the FMCSA (49 USC 13902 [6]). Motor carriers can no longer broker as they always operated when accepting more freight than equipment to handle. Motor carriers simply “brokered” the overload to other motor carriers without a license. Read more
Category: Automotive/Trucking, Construction, Engineering, Personal Injury, Product Liability, Resources for Experts, Safety, Transportation Preservation of Weld Fractures for Evidence Evaluation TASA ID: 1850 Sometimes when a weld fractures, it may result in personal injury, property damage or even a fatality. If litigation is the result of a weld fracture, it is important to retain and preserve the weld and the fractured weld surfaces for evaluation by the experts. Read more
Category: Marketing, Real Estate, Resources for Experts, Working With Experts Homebuilding and Residential Development: Expert Witnesses and Litigation Consultants - Know Your Facts! TASA ID: 1440 I certainly will not suggest that the expert is always right, as there are always two sides to any dispute and both sides cannot be correct, in either fact or in the eyes of the judge or jury. But when an expert fails to have prepared a credible opinion based upon discernible and verifiable facts utilizing proven and accepted methodology, i.e., the “truth,” the outcome should be foreseeable and obvious. Read more