Category: Chemicals / Toxic Substances, Environment, Gulf Coast Oil Spill Expert Articles Preventing Oil Spills and Other Disasters by Risk Analysis of the Consequences and Probability of Failure: A Look at the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf Coast TASA ID: 897 Oil spills happen when physical degradation of the facilities (pipes, pumps, wells, instrumentation, tanks and tankers) occur due to a variety of physical factors, including but not limited to corrosion, puncture, earth movement), as well as human errors. Read more
Category: Chemicals / Toxic Substances, Environment, Gulf Coast Oil Spill Expert Articles Unseen Oil Continues to Damage the Environment. BP Corporate Recklessness in Stark Contrast to "Reasonable Person" Criteria TASA ID: 897 Just because you can't see the crude oil from the BP Oil Spill of 2010, doesn't mean it is not continuing to damage the environment and kill marine organisms. Crude oil can occur as free product when the local concentration of the crude oil exceeds solubility of the compound in water. Read more
Category: Chemicals / Toxic Substances Scientific Evidence and Causation of Toxicity TASA ID: 1111 Establishing causation is a critical - if not the most important - task when allegations of harm are made. This is particularly true for adverse consequence arising from illicit drugs, pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, and other chemicals. Causation of adverse health effects and even wrongful death requires more than demonstrating an association or connection. Knowing whether or not there is a causal link between a toxicant and a claimed adverse health effect is important for both plaintiffs and defendants. Read more
Category: Accident Analysis / Reconstruction, Chemicals / Toxic Substances, Construction, Personal Injury, Safety Hidden Hazards of Confined Space TASA ID: 3404 Frequent headlines in breaking news stories convey the tragic results of yet another confined space fatality accident. With fatality statistics indicating that more than 60 percent of rescues in confined spaces result in a workplace fatality. Since most of these cases are fully preventable, sadly they involve local firefighters responding to trapped workers injured on the job. A common misunderstanding many people share is that local firefighters respond to emergencies fully equipped as technical rescuers. Having experience in structural fire control or vehicle emergency response doesn’t necessarily qualify one as a technical rescuer. Comprehensive training, practical experience, and a working knowledge can adequately prepare responders to engage as rescue professionals, not before. Read more
Category: Chemicals / Toxic Substances, Environment, Product Liability Air Quality and Product Liability Case Studies: A Chemical Expert’s Analysis TASA ID: 203 End users of a product are occasionally unhappy with the product's performance or time of durability. In the areas of paints, coatings, and adhesives, a paint or coating may fade, blister, or crack shortly after its application or well before its expiration date. An adhesive may also delaminate in random fashion. Additionally, personal injury may result. Read more