


The Disruption of Generative AI in Expert-Driven Media Platforms

TASA ID: 22108

The rise of Generative AI is reshaping the media landscape, as emblematized in the lawsuit by The New York Times against Open AI. Yet such opposition isn’t the only way to handle the threat of Generative AI in the media, as revealed in my conversation with Jill Koziol, Co-Founder of Motherly. Motherly, a digital platform empowering tens of millions of women monthly, grapples with the challenges and opportunities AI presents. The platform's dual engagement with AI—as a tool for innovation and a threat to content integrity—is emblematic of the broader challenges facing the media industry today.

The RTO Ultimatum Shaking Wall Street

TASA ID: 22108

In an era when flexibility and autonomy are the new black, financial services leaders are ready to break the chains of traditional office norms. The results of a recent Deloitte and Workplace Intelligence survey make it clear: the future of the financial services sector is hanging in the balance, and leaders are prepared to walk out the door rather than surrender their hybrid work privileges.

The concept of work has undergone a radical transformation in the last few years. Gone are the days when the office was the only place for serious business. Flexibility and remote work have moved from being perks to being prerequisites for leaders in the financial services sector. But this shift isn't just about convenience. It's about fostering engagement, bolstering retention, and driving key outcomes, as the report reveals.

Navigating the Technology Transformation Through Brain Training

TASA ID: 22108

In an era where technology is reshaping our world, staying ahead requires more than just technological prowess. It demands a focus on enhancing uniquely human skills. I recently sat down with Paola Telfer, founder and CEO of Sens.ai, a brain training technology platform, to discuss how her company's technology, and others like it, can serve as tools to help individuals and organizations adapt.

How to Make Corporate Wellness Programs Truly Effective

TASA ID: 22108

Corporate wellness programs have become commonplace, with companies offering everything from gym memberships to meditation apps. Yet according to my interview with Tawn Williams, founder of corporate wellness firm House of Anaya, research shows that most of these programs fail to get significant engagement and participation from employees. Surveys indicate that around 80% of employees typically do not utilize or take advantage of the wellness offerings provided by their company. This lack of impact and usage means that companies are getting very little return on their investments in workplace wellness initiatives.

So what can organizations do to make their corporate wellness efforts actually work? How can they design and implement programs that employees will actually participate in and benefit from? Here are some key best practices to keep in mind.


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