


How Can Implantable Cardiac Devices Be Made Even Safer To Use On AF/HF Patients?

Posted with permission

TASA ID: 15617

This article was posted with permission.

The number of individuals using these devices are living longer lives and enjoy a higher quality of life after receiving these life-saving implantable cardiac devices. Unfortunately, there are still several factors which can cause these devices to fail and not deliver the therapy to these patients as they are designed for. Some of these may include cardiac pacemaker lead failures 4, ICD lead failures 5 , pulse generator failures 6, interactions with electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems 7 , Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities 8, infection, and others which can potentially affect the proper functioning of these implantable cardiac devices.

Part III: Bullying in the Workplace

Lawrence J. Fennelly CPOI, CSSM and Marianna Perry, CPP, CPOI

TASA ID: 10544


You might be thinking that bulling occurs only in grade school or in the playground.  But it's also in the workplace and in large corporations.

Let’s look at the definition.
Workplace Bullying –“ an action or series of actions that are non-physical but verbal forms of emotional or mental violence.”  Workplace bullying can be a large contributor to a hostile work environment. What makes a hostile work environment?

PART II: The Queen Bee Syndrome

TASA ID: 10544

Queen bee syndrome was first defined by G.L. Staines, T.E. Jayaratne, and C. Tavris in 1973. It describes a woman in a position of authority who views or treats subordinates more critically if they are female. This phenomenon has been documented by several studies. In another study, scientists from the University of Toronto speculated that the queen bee syndrome may be the reason that women find it more stressful to work for women managers; no difference was found in stress levels for male workers. An alternate, though closely related, definition describes a queen bee as one who has succeeded in her career, but refuses to help other women do the same.

Plaintiff’s Counsel - What to Expect from County Child Welfare Agencies

TASA ID: 1220

Expect to be inundated with a sea of paperwork and documentation, some of which may have nothing to do with the discovery for your particular case, client or circumstances. Defense counsel is well aware that some attorneys are not familiar with the day-to-day operations involved in child welfare and perhaps as a strategy will seek to waste time or distract attention to important detail by “fogging” the field of discovery with peripheral or non-essential documents. Being able to navigate through the “fog” is essential to efficient use of resources. Knowing how a county child welfare agency operates is as important as understanding what they do.

Dental Malpractice: Is there a Case?

TASA ID: 16998

Whether on the defense or the plaintiff’s side in dental malpractice allegations, there are key questions and considerations that underpin the validity of any claim. These include: What is the nature of the injury? Is the injury severe enough to bring litigation? What is the standard of care for the particular circumstances? Was the injury due to a violation of the standard of care? This article was written to help attorneys define the standard of care in dental malpractice cases, more readily evaluate if the standard has been violated and work more productively with their experts.  

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