Category: Computer/Internet, Ethics, Marketing, Resources for Attorneys, Social Media Ethics for Lawyers: Using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for Legal Marketing TASA ID: On October 21, 2014, The TASA Group in conjunction with legal ethics expert, Jennifer Ellis presented a free, one-hour, interactive webinar presentation, Ethics for Lawyers: Using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for Legal Marketing for all legal professionals. This presentation discussed social media ethics for lawyers and covered how to use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for legal marketing. Ms. Ellis discussed intent of social media marketing and advertising rules. She also provided examples of best practices, as well as ethical issues that may arise when promoting a law firm on social media. Read more
Category: Webinars, Computer/Internet, Resources for Attorneys “Internet of Evidence™” Little Brother Is Watching You – And He’s Taking Notes! TASA ID: 196 On April 24, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. (ET), The TASA Group, in conjunction with computer forensics expert Wayne Norris presented a free, one-hour webinar presentation entitled The "'Internet of Evidence™' Little Brother Is Watching You - And He's Taking Notes!" Read more
Category: Computer/Internet, e-Discovery E-Discovery Issues that Affect your Practice TASA ID: 4285 Our presenter was Mr. Shawn Huston, founder of Legal Support Partners, an expert E-Discovery technology company which focuses on reducing the cost and complexity of E-Discovery services. He has worked on numerous high profile cases, including governmental second requests, federal and state investigations, SEC and FINRA financial fraud cases, Enron- related criminal and civil litigation, WorldCom bankruptcy litigation and other highly-publicized civil and criminal matters. Read more
Category: Computer/Internet, e-Discovery Computer Forensics and Electronic Discovery (eDiscovery) TASA ID: On June 28, 2011, at 2 p.m. ET, The TASA Group, Inc., in conjunction with computer forensics and electronic discovery expert Jeffrey Sassinsky, presented a free, one-hour, interactive webinar, Computer Forensics and Electronic Discovery, for all legal professionals. Read more