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Categories: Blog, Web Articles

How to Overcome Business Hurdles


overcome business hurdlesForming a plan to get a new business off the ground can be simple compared to the idea of planning for the unforeseeable certainties: obstacles.

In the article "This Is How Your Business Will Be Disrupted," the author addresses key steps that you can take to hopefully avoid these obstacles, or be better equipped to face them head on. Some of the steps that he suggests include staying true to your strategic DNA, and moving beyond strategic planning to innovation planning.

The author writes a wise quote: "When you find yourself adapting you are already losing." The world is always changing and evolving, so it is important to account for that when forming your business model. Always allowing room for thoughtful changes in your strategic plans is a way for these obstacles to lead to business success, instead of business failure. 

Please read the article here for more about this topic.

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